
Cute Pia Muehlenbeck Instagram Photos

What a strange week. I can’t really put into words how I feel but I’ll try. I’ve been in home-isolation now for about two weeks already. Everyday feels like it’s melting in to the next at this point. I find myself going through extended periods of being glued to the internet, searching different news sites, just hoping for a glimmer of good news. It’s reassuring to see other countries are being able to flatten the curve and start to get things under control, our time will come. I’ve burst into tears randomly a few times this week, I can’t work out if I’m feeling anxious or if this is grief, either way it’s a horrible feeling, but thankfully today was a good day and despite not knowing how long this is going to go on for, I’m feeling more upbeat today. During this time, I think it’s good to share our feelings rather than bottle things up, I’ve been on the phone a lot more and reconnecting with friends I’d lost contact with over recent months. Don’t be afraid to be open. We are all in this together. After my mini meltdown on YouTube I took a couple of days off vlogging just to focus on myself, I practised yoga a lot, it helped immensely. I don’t know why I’m still typing, I’m rambling now so I should stop. ??‍♀️ I guess I just want to let you know this is how I feel today, and if you feel in anyway the same, you’re not alone. Love. Always love. ❤️

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  1. Don’t you think in a way humanity needed this wake up call? Skies iver India are so clear you can see the Himalayas again. Folks are forced to stop and speak to each other in their family. Wildlife is vibrant and alive like nevr before due to the almost zero travel on our roads and in our skies. Its almost as if this virus was coughed up by mother nature to help heal her deep wounds.

  2. Even folks like you are also beginning to realise their true importance and relevance in our lives (not much). Cry me a river Pia, folks like you don’t understand real pain and heartache. You have lived a blessed life with many things given to you because you look a certain way. Many of us actually have to WORK for anliving and don’t get freebies or have travel trust upon us for free to market products. Spare me the tears princess, ypu aren’t living in the real world. Some folks would actually pay to be couped up in a luxury studio apartment in Sydney. Things aren’t that bad ror lil old you.

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